What is a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)?

HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) is a term for people who process sensory data more deeply. The concept was developed by research psychologist, Elaine Aron to describe those who display notable sensitivity to various forms of stimuli.

HSP Corner:


If you resonate with the majority of these traits, you might be one of the estimated 15-20% of the population who are HSPs:

  • You feel things intensely and deeply
  • You are easily overwhelmed by sensory stimuli (bright lights, strong smells, coarse textures, or loud sounds)
  • You're deeply moved by arts and music
  • You notice subtleties that others might miss (a slight change in someone's mood, a new item in a room, a change in the weather)
  • You need time alone to recharge, especially after busy days
  • You're sensitive to caffeine or medications
  • You avoid violent TV shows or movies
  • You get uncomfortable when there is a lot going on around you
  • You're conscientious and detail-oriented
  • You have a rich and complex inner life

If this sounds like you, then welcome to the world of Highly Sensitive Persons!

Are you a highly sensitive person?

We know that being an HSP has its unique challenges. That's why we've created a safe, supportive, and educational space tailored just for you.

Here’s what you can expect:

Share experiences, tips, and insights with like-minded women.

Supportive Community: 

Expert-Led Sessions:

Coping Tools:

Nutritional Guidance: 

Learn from psychotherapists and health coaches specializing in HSP care and mental wellness.

Develop stress-reduction techniques and coping mechanisms to navigate your daily life with ease.

Uncover the link between nutrition and mental well-being and learn how to nourish your sensitive system.




How to Join Us!

Your sensitivity is your strength. Embrace it!

Unlock the gateway to empowerment for HSP women by joining our community today. Access the tools you need to thrive and flourish.

Myth: HSPs are overly emotional and cry all the time.

10 Myths About Highly Sensitive Persons...

About 30% of HSPs are extroverts. High sensitivity does not automatically equate to introversion. Some HSPs enjoy socializing and gain energy from being around others, despite being sensitive to environmental stimuli.

HSPs can be highly resilient and handle stress as well as anyone else, perhaps even better, due to their ability to deeply process experiences. However, they might need more downtime to recover from stressful situations due to their depth of processing.

To learn more about HSP,  here are some of the few resources to check out!

While Highly Sensitive Persons (HSPs) often have deeper emotional responses than non-HSPs, they do not necessarily express their emotions by crying more. HSPs simply process emotions and stimuli more deeply, which can lead to a broad range of emotional expressions, not just crying.


Myth: All HSPs are introverts.


Myth: Being an HSP is a disorder or illness.


Myth: HSPs are weak and can't handle stress.

High Sensitivity is a personality trait, not a disorder or a medical condition. It's estimated that about 15-20% of the population are HSPs, and it's a completely normal variation in the human population.

Being an HSP is an inborn trait that can't be changed by adopting a tougher attitude. It's part of an HSP's genetic makeup. Encouraging an HSP to "toughen up" often results in a decreased sense of self-worth rather than a constructive change in behavior.


Myth: HSPs need to toughen up.

HSPs can make excellent leaders. They're often empathetic, intuitive, and considerate, which are qualities that can make them insightful and compassionate leaders.

Myth: HSPs can't be successful in leadership roles.

Shyness and sensitivity are not the same. While some HSPs may also be shy, many are not. High sensitivity is about how one processes information and stimuli, not about social fear or anxiety.

Myth: HSPs are always shy.

While many HSPs may be drawn to the arts due to their deep emotional processing and appreciation for beauty, it's a stereotype to say that all HSPs are creative or artistic. HSPs, like any group, have a wide range of interests and skills.


Myth: All HSPs are artists or creatives.

Myth: HSPs are always shy.

While HSPs often have a strong intuition, this doesn't mean they have psychic or supernatural abilities. Their heightened perception allows them to notice subtleties and patterns that others might miss, which can make them seem more intuitive.


Myth: HSPs are psychic or have supernatural abilities.

HSPs can learn strategies to cope with their sensitivity, and they are not constantly in a state of overwhelm. While they may experience periods of overstimulation, they can also deeply enjoy and appreciate the world around them in ways others might not.


Myth: HSPs are always overwhelmed by the world.





“I thought I had hidden trauma because things affected me so deeply. It wasn’t until therapy that I learned that there wasn’t anything wrong with me, I’m just a highly sensitive person (HSP). My therapist helped me to understand that my nervous system is just wired differently and that I should learn to embrace this beautiful quality that we possess as HSPs.


NYPD officer, female

Hear From Our Community

 "It is such a joy to be apart of a group where the space is safe and we can all relate to each other."

 Feel and Flourish has allowed me to reconnect with myself and recognize that my sensitivity is a gift! Through understanding why my body reacts the way it does and being provided with tools to regulate the intensity of my emotions, I've learned to be kinder to myself and feel safer to engage with the world through curiosity instead of apprehension. It's also been incredibly comforting to connect with a community of people who experience life in a similar way. Being able to share stories, build bonds, and support each other in a safe space has made this group invaluable on my healing journey!

"It’s been great to be taught how to appreciate my high sensitivity and to be encouraged to use it as a superpower and to not look at it as a hindrance."

$24.99 every month

5 Benefits of Joining our HSP Community

for  Highly  Sensitive  Women

Feel and Flourish Monthly Membership Program 

Join us today and enjoy uninterrupted access with our monthly auto-renewing subscription. You have the flexibility to cancel at any time. Please note that refunds for unused subscriptions are not provided. Rest assured, your personal information is safe with us and will never be sold or shared.

Become part of our community today.

Monthly Live Q & A Themed Groups with Sonya Davie and special guests too:
Participate in interactive live group sessions each month, offering a safe space to share experiences and gain insights from fellow HSPs. These sessions provide opportunities for real-time connection, support, and personal growth.

Understanding and Tools
Gain a deep understanding of your high sensitivity trait and learn practical tools to balance and nurture your sensitive nervous system. This knowledge empowers you to navigate life more effectively and reduce stress.

Connect with Kind-Hearted HSPs
Engage with a supportive community through discussion posts, events, and online meetups. Building connections with like-minded individuals helps you feel understood, valued, and less isolated.

Empowerment and Support
Feel supported, validated, and empowered to thrive in a community that recognizes and celebrates your unique traits. The sense of belonging and encouragement fosters personal development and confidence.

Exclusive Discounts
Enjoy discounts on courses, products, and events specifically designed for HSPs. These resources provide valuable insights and tools to enhance your self-care routine and overall well-being.